
Friday, June 12, 2020


I am not going to attack JK Rowling for her tweet or later responses. But I do wish I understood why she wouldn't want young girls to be allowed to retain the title of girl instead of forcing them to call themselves women, especially in countries that still believe in "old enough to bleed, old enough to breed." There's also a huge trans argument, but plenty of people are covering that topic.

Before I start, here are screenshots:

The article she is referencing:

The issue at hand is how difficult it is for some people during this time. Particularly because many poor people lost access to hygiene products. And having others see menstrual blood can cause sexual assaults and forced marriages. (Implied, but not stated directly, in the article.) This is especially dangerous for persons under the age of 18. Persons who might, in certain cases, be better protected by referring to them as GIRLS instead of WOMEN. 

Sure, it is sometimes called the journey into womanhood. And sometimes that is the line between girl and woman. But as menstruation is starting at earlier ages, it's becoming more and more important to change that mindset. (Also, it isn't inclusive of gender non-binary persons, the trans community, gender fluid, etc.)

I don't believe that periods make someone an adult. I don't believe that a menarch should automatically end childhood. And I don't believe that those old enough to bleed are actually instantly old enough to breed. Or that anyone should be forced to breed! (Male, female, or other. CONSENT matters. And a shedding uterus shouldn't overrule that.) 

I also don't believe that someone should get to be in the fame spotlight for having abused someone. 

So while I don't understand the language word choice JK took issue with, why she doesn't like the use of girl or gender non-binary persons to describe some people who menstruate, I really don't think that was a reason to track down an abuser and give them a platform.

I can't get all that in a Tweet. Hopefully I'm more clear here.

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