Wednesday, June 5, 2024

IWSG a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds

This month, the IWSG asked what kind of offering/service do I think the IWSG should consider offering to members?

I'm happy just having fellow blogger-writers to "hop" to monthly. 
But I wouldn't turn down an evaluation of my query letter. (Scroll to my Q post if you can help.) Or ideas on traditional publication stuff in the latest news. (This Spotify horror, for example:
Maybe book blasts on social media? "Check out this new book by a pal of mine!" 
I don't really know. But stuff to help us feel more secure? 

Ways to make my hand and wrist hurt less after my stroke so I will write more?? ✍️  Oh wait, that's why I see a therapist who gives me exercises to try.