Wednesday, January 31, 2024

WEP check-in and Stroke


I had a stroke in January. I'm typing with just my left hand on my phone. My right hand, the "write" hand, isn't fully recovered yet. So I am half-assing this. 

My meds got all mucked up. They gave me a nearly toxic dose of asprin. I had a respiratory attack while in the hospital. I am a damn mess.

My husband is still recovering from his toes amputation. He isn't allowed to return to work yet. The shoe people, only game in town, called with the cost of the shoes he's supposed to get.


Omg. Prada? Louis Vuitton? 

And that price is after insurance. 

I don't know where they think someone would get that kind of money while out of work. 

I had to hang up on the girl. Because I didn't know what she wanted me to say. "Can I sell you a kidney?' Seriously, I did not know what to say to the girl. My husband would have never called in the first place if they mentioned the cost would be astronomical. 

For shoes he can't even wear to work.

Because they want him to wear steeltips. 🙄 

To protect toes he no longer has.

And the docs say he will lose his legs if he does that, because his toeless scars will open and get infected.

So... yeah. 

And then there's the paperwork from his job.

"Due by Feb 2 or you're kicked out." 

What is due? 

"Go to the site."

There is no information on the site.


THIS IS WHY I HAD A STROKE. I'm not kidding. Unum and FMLASOURCE sites wanting shit, threatening me, but can't say clearly WHAT they want or from which doctors. The hospital sent them records multiple times. They don't believe my husband had surgery on more than one date. Well, he did. Sorry?? I'm not a surgeon. What do you people want???

I just... 

This is my world right now. 168/102 BP 

No clue why my blood pressure is high... 😵‍💫😡

I'm tired.