Sunday, November 22, 2020

Covid Takes Thanksgiving

 I wish that spending Thanksgiving with me (or any holiday, or weekend, or 5 damn minutes of any day really) mattered MORE than protesting against masks 😷 and other pandemic protocols.

Of course... me, and other disabled people like me, are a big reason for quarintening and such. Because someone like me needs to be protected. πŸ˜” And my life isn't as valuable to people as not having to quarantine. 

100,000 dead

200,000 dead



The whole population of the United States could die and still not be as valuable as not having to quarantine, wear a mask, or whatever other protocol. 

Love thy neighbor.

Am I not a neighbor? Am I unworthy of love because my lungs aren't as strong as most people's?

Thou shall not kill.

Spreading Covid to me would result in my death. Is preventing that death not enough reason to protest the spread, instead of protesting the protocols? 

I'm just a broken human.

And half the country πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ would prefer if I were dead. People like me, if we get Covid, we die. That makes the numbers go up. A rich, avid golfer gets Covid and survives. Proof that people like me are the problem.

Or proof that a caring society would do all it can to protect people, including those who need it most. 

Really, I just wish I were worth quarintening for, to spend a holiday with me safely. I wish I mattered that much. 

Meme from Facebook

Monday, November 2, 2020

Terrorists Plan Terrorism

 Edit of Yahoo News article.

I'm not changing the meaning of any content. I'm just editing. 

[Terrorists] training for violence in case Donald Trump loses election, says report

(Original by:

Graeme Massie

Tue, October 27, 2020, 8:43 PM) 

[Terrorists] are training for violence incase Donald Trump loses the election to Joe Biden.

[Terrorists] are preparing for civil conflict as they believe that the president’s defeat on election day is inevitable, according to the report from BuzzFeed.

[The terrorists were] reportedly created in the aftermath of [an event in America] and now have hundreds of members around the US.

[The terrorists'] preparations were revealed in a cache of hundreds of messages exchanged between [terrorists] in an encrypted messaging app, according to BuzzFeed.

“In logs of the chats, all from this year, around 280 [terrorists] discuss grandiose goals — creating a [minimum population] from the existing United States [population]," wrote Jane Lytvynenko.

"The group wants to expel [Americans], remaking the fabric of America.

“The messages reveal a sophisticated network of [terrorists] who are training for violence.

“[The terrorists], who believe the United States is a nation that belongs only to [some Americans], wear uniforms made up of bomber jackets, face coverings, and beige khakis, mandate weight loss and intense workouts, and regularly practice hand-to-hand combat.

“Some openly call themselves [types of terrorists] and revere [historically significant terrorists].”

The report reveals that the [terrorists] believe that it does not matter who wins the election in one week.

“It does not matter what people personally believe about it,” wrote the [terrorists'] leader Thomas Rousseau.

[Edited to improve accuracy.] 

(Feel free to track down the original. The bottom line is that terrorists are threatening terrorism because they support Trump.)