Friday, April 30, 2021

Z is for Zero Days Left to Live #atozchallenge #ShortStory

#AtoZChallenge 2021 April Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter Z

My theme for 2021 is a Young Adult short story. A double-date in the 1990s. An established teen couple sets up their best friends with each other, but it doesn't go well.

Today's word count is approximately: 660 words

Z is for Zero Days Left to Live

Nothing feels real. Lance practically falls into the chair beside the bed, his legs shaking under him. The quake runs through him, finally breaking the damn at his eyes. He buries his face against me, soaking my shirt. I hold him as best I can. 

Madelyn went straight for the anger phase of grief. She blamed me for letting it happen, her parents for sending him away that night, Lance for suggesting Chinese food, and herself for not planning a date with a sit-down meal built-in. There was screaming, praying, and crying. I don't know which she did more. I tuned out at some point.

I kept replaying Lance driving to the hospital. I was accustomed to his speeding by now, but this was different. From the backseat, Yohann's head in my lap with a cold rag against his face, I swore the car was flying. Red lights and stop signs were all ignored. I half thought the Chevy was going to drive into the hospital instead of stopping at the curb. 

Then there were the questions. So many questions. Was Yohann's family from the Mediterranean? Why couldn't we reach his mother? How did his father die? 

Yohann vomited. Lance screamed at the doctor to quit asking questions and help already. He grabbed the young man by his white jacket and then threw-up all over him. He apologized and sat down, putting his head between his legs and crying. 

I held Yohann's hand while a nurse put an IV in. Lance used the bedside phone to call Yohann's mom, again, and leave yet another frantic message.

"They think he has Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. I don't know what the hell that means! Please check your damn messages and call back."

Yohann whispered to me, "business trip," before he passed out.

Lance and I went to Yohann's house this morning. The name of the hotel Yohann's mom was supposed to be at was on the fridge. Lance called, but there was no record of her. After digging through some things, he found an address book with the number for her work. He called and asked where the company sent her. They said she was on a personal vacation with her son.

"He's laid up in the hospital, so I doubt that. If she checks in, tell her that her son is dying and ask her to call Lance." He slammed the phone down on the receiver. Then ripped the whole thing off the wall and smashed it.

I decided not to give him crap about the mess. What kind of irresponsible parent doesn't leave a way to be reached? Anything could have happened! 

Anything did happen.

I used another phone to call the number in the address book that Lance was pretty sure was Yohann's cousin. It turned out that cousin was more of the loose term, as their dads had been best friends, but not actually related. 

"His parents are both siblingless. Unlike my dad, who has six brothers and three sisters. The grandparents got down in their day, you know what I'm saying?"

I laughed uncomfortably and ended the call. The phone rang in my hands.

The woman on the other end said she was calling from the hospital and asked for Yohann's mom.

"We're here looking for her. Has there been a change?" I mouthed to Lance that the hospital was on the line.

"I can't release that information. Please have her call as soon as possible." 

Lance grabbed the phone. "I'm the family he's got right now. Is he okay?"

He dropped the phone.

"We have to go."

I don't remember the ride here. I don't know where we parked. I barely remember being in the elevator, holding on to Lance, feeling water running down my face.

Now there's the smell of bleach and lemon. A motionless lump under a white sheet. A bag with Yohann's name. 

And machines that are too quiet. 

Did you enjoy this story? It's currently about 10,000 words. It could become longer and turn into a novel. Is there a market for YA fiction set 25 years ago?

Right now, it looks like he died for the shock value. (Or to teach you about fava beans killing people - Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, which was slightly exaggerated in timing during these last two letters.) But the death might be motivation if the story continues. 

Thank you for reading! 
If you're on mobile and can't see my sidebar:
My Twitter would be @PenMinion - but I'm suspended right now. I used a quote from a comedian to threaten my self-critical inner voices. I didn't know that voices in my head were protected by Twitter's TOS. But they are. And even though the comedian has a Twitter account, and the quoted joke is available as a gif on Twitter, it was still a violation of the TOS. (And possibly racist?) Feel free to scroll this blog to learn more. I have several posts about it. In the meantime, never threaten inner voices of self-doubt, because you can be kicked off of social media for such an action. 

Get Stash, an app that makes investing easy. If you sign up with my link and add cash, we both get $20 of bonus stock. 💵

Jamie.Writer on Instagram

Please let me know who you are on the Master List if you're doing a to z-- I'd like to visit you too!
Have a puuuurfect day. 🐈

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Y is for Yohann Did Not See This Coming #atozchallenge #ShortStory

#AtoZChallenge 2021 April Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter Y

My theme for 2021 is a Young Adult short story. A double-date in the 1990s. An established teen couple sets up their best friends with each other, but it doesn't go well.

Today's word count is approximately: 770 words

Y is for Yohann Did Not See This Coming

We get back in Lance's car. He bursts out laughing as soon as the engine starts.

"Sweet Princess? Make them dinner? Very much like to spend time with them? Bull." 

I groove along to Little Miss Can't Be Wrong by the Spin Doctors. "Poor Yohann. They're never going to like you."

"Hey, I got us out of there, didn't I? And is she crying right now? No. Even though we had to ditch her. Now can we please go somewhere to eat this? I'm starving."

I realize, as Lance turns at the end of the street, where he's most likely to drive. "We didn't get food for Mike."

"He has his own food. It's his place." Lance turns the radio up.

I turn it back down. He frowns. "It's rude to show up without food for him. We could go to a park or something."

"They close at sunset," Yohann says.

"They can't close a park. There's no fence or gate. How are they going to close nature? You think the trees all move together? The squirrels gather their forces and demand the humans keep out?" I cross my arms.

"No. I think the cops drive by and if they see a car, they stop to throw people out. Besides, we can't watch the movie in a park," Yohann replies as he finger-drums along to the song.

"Mike can have my egg roll," Lance offers. 

He already had your girlfriend, why not give him an eggroll? But Lance doesn't know that. Yohann does. And this is going to be his revenge.

"Babe, we know exactly one person with their own place. Mike had the good fortune of graduating and inheriting that apartment complex. A job and a place to live, all in one swoop. And he shows his gratitude for his windfall by having his old team members over whenever we want. Making sure we always have a place. Yeah, Yohann and I are the ones that visit most often. But that's because our families suck the most."

"Preach it," Yohann chimes in from the back seat.

I sigh. "I'm just saying, if we're going over, we should bring him food too. It's rude to show up without some for him too."

Lance spins the wheel, pulling a U-turn at the light. He floors it back toward the mall. 

All the speeding and road-rule-breaking that Madelyn's mom had threatened about. At least she's not with us now.


Mike's food is the only container that's hot by the time we get to his place. 

"You brought me something? That was nice of you." Mike pulls out his wallet and hands Lance a fifty-dollar bill.

"That's more than the whole meal." Lance holds up his hands in protest. "Besides, it was her idea."

Mike looks at me. "Was it? Well, it costs time and money to bring the food. What'd you bring to put in my mouth?" 

He shoves the fifty in Lance's shirt, never breaking eye-contact with me. I look at the floor, but when I glance up, he's still staring. I feel naked, despite my clothing.

Yohann pulls the food out. He yanks the metal handle from his container before popping the food in the microwave. Gotta love meals that come with their own plates. 

Ten minutes later, we're all in the living room with our food, the movie playing on the tv. I'm wedged on the yellow couch between Mike and Lance. Yohann has taken the beanbag chair alongside the coffee table. There are fingers running along my legs on both sides, as both guys are touching me.

I want to move to Lance's lap. Or put him in the middle. Except this is the normal configuration. If I make a big deal out of it, Lance will know something's up. 

Mike isn't just his friend. This is his refuge. He can never know what happened. 

"I feel sick," Yohann says as someone dies on-screen.

"Wuss," Lance says as he takes his last bite of broccoli. 

"No, seriously," Yohann doubles up and rolls off the beanbag chair.

"What's wrong?" Mike pauses the movie.

Lance gets up and goes to Yohann's side.

"My stomach. And my head." Yohann has Lance help him up a moment before he runs for the bathroom.


I cling to Lance's hand as we walk into the hospital room. The machines are all quiet now. A white sheet covers a lump on the bed. There's a white plastic bag on the table, Yohann's name written in black letters. Everything smells like lemon and bleach. Lance's cologne can't disguise the scent. 

Thank you for reading! 
If you're on mobile and can't see my sidebar:
My Twitter would be @PenMinion - but I'm suspended right now. I used a quote from a comedian to threaten my self-critical inner voices. I didn't know that voices in my head were protected by Twitter's TOS. But they are. And even though the comedian has a Twitter account, and the quoted joke is available as a gif on Twitter, it was still a violation of the TOS. (And possibly racist?) Feel free to scroll this blog to learn more. I have several posts about it. In the meantime, never threaten inner voices of self-doubt, because you can be kicked off of social media for such an action. 

Get Stash, an app that makes investing easy. If you sign up with my link and add cash, we both get $20 of bonus stock. 💵

Jamie.Writer on Instagram

Please let me know who you are on the Master List if you're doing a to z-- I'd like to visit you too!
Have a puuuurfect day. 🐈

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

X is for the Xièxiè, qǐng zàilái Chinese restaurant #atozchallenge #ShortStory

#AtoZChallenge 2021 April Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter X

My theme for 2021 is a Young Adult short story. A double-date in the 1990s. An established teen couple sets up their best friends with each other, but it doesn't go well.

Today's word count is approximately: 877 words

X is for the Xièxiè, qǐng zàilái Chinese restaurant

We head outside and follow the sidewalk to the far end of the mall, where XQZ is located. The building is attached, but there's no entrance from inside the mall. 

Big, golden letters have "Xièxiè, qǐng zàilái" written on the door. But, since no one ever says it right, everyone just calls the place XQZ. It means "thank you, please come again" in some form of Chinese. At least, that's what one of the waiters told me when I asked a few years ago.

We grab a to-go menu and pick out what we want. 

"Should we get something for your parents?" Yohann asks Madelyn. 

"Yes," Lance points the pen at Madelyn. "We should butter them up. What do they like?"

"Moo goo gai pan," she answers. 

Lance circles a large of it under the chicken dishes. I point to the cashew chicken, which he circles for me. He marks the beef and broccoli for himself. 

Yohann looks over the menu and picks a stir-fry dish with pork and fava beans. He makes a Hannibal Lector joke from the Silence of the Lambs movie.

"Did you know the book and movie list two different wines? Chianti doesn't actually pair well with liver," Madelyn says as she circles an item. 

"Drink a lot of wine?" Yohann asks. 

Lance adds appetizers and places our order while Madelyn explains about an article she read in some magazine her parents subscribe to. I've heard the story seven million times. Good to know that someone has figured out what wines go best with human body parts. How does one apply for that job? 


We pull up to Madelyn's place five minutes before her curfew. Lance carries the bag of food. Yohann touches Madelyn's back as we head to the door, then crams his hands in his jacket. 

"Mom, Dad, I'm home!"

Her parents reply that they're in the kitchen. We head in there.

"Have a nice time?" Her dad asks.

Madelyn sets her flower and the bag with her book on the counter. "Yes. We didn't think about food until late though. So we got take-out from XQZ. I bought some for you two. And we rented a movie."

Her mom crosses her arms. "A bit late for a movie."

Madelyn frowns. 

"Have I seen it?" Madelyn's dad asks before finishing his drink.

"Outbreak. We didn't see it in theaters."

Her mom scoffs. "The one where that nice capuchin, Katie, from Friends is blamed for making a whole town sick? As if that animal hasn't been through enough."

"Mom," Madelyn squeezes the bridge of her nose as she pleads, "can we please just sit in the living room, eat our dinner, and watch the movie?"


Madelyn stomps her foot. I inch behind Lance. I hate being here when she argues with her parents.

"Why not?"

"We were generous enough to allow you out until eight. This feels like a trick, a way to extend your curfew until ten. Next time you'll call from a restaurant and ask if you can stay out to eat a meal there. You'll argue there's no difference between eating there versus eating here. Assuming we even allow there to be a next time, considering you're already trying to push the limit by bending the rules." Madelyn's mom eyes me. She's secretly blaming me. Deciding that this food and movie were my idea. Probably considering grabbing a knife from the butcher block beside her and having one less bad influence in her daughter's life. There's a magazine around here somewhere to tell her what wine to drink with my internal organs.

Yohann puts his hand on Madelyn's shoulder. "Understandable. I had hoped we could all get to know each other better tonight over a meal and a movie. But perhaps that's best suited to another time. I do hope you'll consider inviting me over sometime. Perhaps allow me to make dinner for the three of you?"

Madelyn's mom steps back, her rump hitting the counter. "You want to cook us dinner?"

"Yes, I should very much like to spend time getting to know all three of you, as well as having you get to know me." Yohann flashes a smile.

I know Lance wants to bang his head off the wall. Yohann is good with adult authority figures. Lance and I, not so much. 

The grandfather clock strikes eight. Yohann takes Madelyn's hand and pulls it to his lips. "Good night, Sweet Princess. I hope we will see each other again."

He turns and heads to the door. Madelyn and her parents leave their jaws dropped on the floor.

Lance sets the bag on the table, rummages inside, and grabs two containers. He checks them, decides it's the right ones, and leaves them. He tosses three fortune cookies and wooden chopstick packets down. Then does one of those weird salute waves, grabs the bag, and reaches for my hand as he heads toward the door.

"Bye, I guess," I say, then mouth for Madelyn to call me later as I take Lance's hand and go.

(For a Happily Ever After - stop reading now. For the real ending, come back for the next two shocking posts.) 

Sarah's Scribbles 2021 Wall Calendar Happy Ending image 

Thank you for reading! 
If you're on mobile and can't see my sidebar:
My Twitter would be @PenMinion - but I'm suspended right now. I used a quote from a comedian to threaten my self-critical inner voices. I didn't know that voices in my head were protected by Twitter's TOS. But they are. And even though the comedian has a Twitter account, and the quoted joke is available as a gif on Twitter, it was still a violation of the TOS. (And possibly racist?) Feel free to scroll this blog to learn more. I have several posts about it. In the meantime, never threaten inner voices of self-doubt, because you can be kicked off of social media for such an action. 

Get Stash, an app that makes investing easy. If you sign up with my link and add cash, we both get $20 of bonus stock. 💵

Jamie.Writer on Instagram

Please let me know who you are on the Master List if you're doing a to z-- I'd like to visit you too!
Have a puuuurfect day. 🐈

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

W is for William #atozchallenge #ShortStory

#AtoZChallenge 2021 April Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter W

My theme for 2021 is a Young Adult short story. A double-date in the 1990s. An established teen couple sets up their best friends with each other, but it doesn't go well.

Today's word count is approximately: 270 words

W is for William

Since Lance is the only one of us who is seventeen, I hand my Phar-mor Video Rental card to him. He takes the copy of Outbreak to the video register. 

"Riley? Doubt it." I overhear the clerk say.

"Do you want to see my license?" Lance challenges.

"Dude, I don't actually care. Two-fifty."

"If you don't care, why bring it up?" I hear change hitting the counter.

"Because I know her. I'll call her later and tell her some guy in a jacket from your school was using her card to rent a movie."

I walk away from Yohann and Madelyn (not that Madelyn would notice, since she's busy staring adoringly at Yohann) and head to the register. 

"William? I didn't know you worked here." I smile.

"See? I told you I know her," William says to Lance, who shrugs.

"This is my cousin. William, this is Lance, my boyfriend."

He nods. "And that's why he's using your card. Because you can't rent an R movie."

"Yes. He's ruining my mind with a movie about a virus. My innocence is in peril."

William laughs, his big belly rolling like Santa's. "Says the least innocent girl I've ever met. Runaway before I tell him what you were like at my tenth birthday party."

"You wouldn't dare."

Minutes later, we head toward the Phar-mor checkouts and exit. The cashier doesn't say anything about our purchase of shampoo, condoms, microwave popcorn, and gum.

"Do you know half the employees at this mall?" Lance asks as he grabs the bag and takes my hand.

"Maybe. Eyes everywhere, I guess."

He laughs.

Thank you for reading! 
If you're on mobile and can't see my sidebar:
My Twitter would be @PenMinion - but I'm suspended right now. I used a quote from a comedian to threaten my self-critical inner voices. I didn't know that voices in my head were protected by Twitter's TOS. But they are. And even though the comedian has a Twitter account, and the quoted joke is available as a gif on Twitter, it was still a violation of the TOS. (And possibly racist?) Feel free to scroll this blog to learn more. I have several posts about it. In the meantime, never threaten inner voices of self-doubt, because you can be kicked off of social media for such an action. 

Get Stash, an app that makes investing easy. If you sign up with my link and add cash, we both get $20 of bonus stock. 💵

Jamie.Writer on Instagram

Please let me know who you are on the Master List if you're doing a to z-- I'd like to visit you too!
Have a puuuurfect day. 🐈

Monday, April 26, 2021

V is for Videos #atozchallenge #ShortStory

#AtoZChallenge 2021 April Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter V

My theme for 2021 is a Young Adult short story. A double-date in the 1990s. An established teen couple sets up their best friends with each other, but it doesn't go well.

Content warning: Today's post includes some pandemic snark about the movie Outbreak. It came out on VHS in August 1995. I quarantined for a year, and got my second Covid vaccine on April 15-- that should tell you where I stand. 😷

Today's word count is approximately: 460 words

V is for Videos 

We head to the video rental in Phar-mor. Lance grabs one off the wall as soon as we get there.

"Oh cool, they've got Billy Madison! Adam Sandler is hilarious." 

Yohann pulls it away. "We're looking for a make-out movie, remember? Girls."

Lance shrugs. "Don't need a movie to get to make-out with my girl. Right, babe?" 

I grin and kiss him. "Damn straight. But I have seen that movie already."

We find Madelyn looking at Star Trek or Star Wars or whatever. I drag her away. "The point isn't to actually watch the movie."

"Yeah, but—  "

"Nope. You get those, you pause every five minutes to nerd out and explain things no one knows or cares to know."

"I do not." 

I stare at her. She sneers. I stick my tongue out.

"Keep doing that, it'll freeze that way."

I shrug. "Lance my darling, do you care if my mouth freezes with my tongue sticking out?"

"That would make kissing interesting. But it could be handy at other times." We both laugh. Madelyn shakes her head and walks away.

"Has anyone seen this movie?" Yohann walks over holding Outbreak.

I shake my head. "No. But I heard about it. Some virus breaks out and the government has a hard time quarantining the infected people. As if anyone would willingly spread a deadly virus."

"Some people are selfish, babe. Or they'd be like my father, saying it's all a government conspiracy to get our money and track our movements."

"Yeah, right. Even when they see sick people?"

Lance shrugs. "You know what a dick he is. Probably would say they're faking. Or that the government is infecting them on purpose."

"There's no way people would ever be that dumb. Maybe your dad. But not many people. We should watch the movie, see if there's even a character like him."

"I bet there will be."

"Ohh, what are we betting?" I wiggle my eyebrows. Lance leans in and whispers that we should bet oral sex. Winner receives. "You're on."

"What'd you bet?" Madelyn asks. 

"Make your own," I wink.

"I'll wager for your pink butterfly hair clip that there will be a happy ending."

"And if the ending isn't happy, you have to convince your parents to let these guys come to your birthday party. Or let us take you out for the night."

Yohann wraps his arms around Madelyn. "Out. I definitely vote for talking them into letting you run away with us for the night. So we can celebrate properly." 

Madelyn nods. I'm not sure she's even aware of what she's agreeing to right now. He could say anything as long as he held her like that and pointed his lips toward hers.

Thank you for reading! 
If you're on mobile and can't see my sidebar:
My Twitter would be @PenMinion - but I'm suspended right now. I used a quote from a comedian to threaten my self-critical inner voices. I didn't know that voices in my head were protected by Twitter's TOS. But they are. And even though the comedian has a Twitter account, and the quoted joke is available as a gif on Twitter, it was still a violation of the TOS. (And possibly racist?) Feel free to scroll this blog to learn more. I have several posts about it. In the meantime, never threaten inner voices of self-doubt, because you can be kicked off of social media for such an action. 

Get Stash, an app that makes investing easy. If you sign up with my link and add cash, we both get $20 of bonus stock. 💵

Jamie.Writer on Instagram

Please let me know who you are on the Master List if you're doing a to z-- I'd like to visit you too!
Have a puuuurfect day. 🐈

Sunday, April 25, 2021


Here's the thing about comedians...

It's an art form. Which means at the very best, it's going to be controversial. The audience is meant to walk away with new thoughts, maybe a new point of view.

"See this thing? I'm going to show you how ridiculous your current take on it is!"

To me, that's what I see. Especially in a certain comic. The one who uses a line for which I have been banned from Twitter and accused of being a racist.

Because I see the joke. I see something that people fear and have made crazy assumptions about. And I see that turned into something that shows how unrealistic, how far from reality, the audience has become. It isn't meant to be realistic. It's a dummy. And it's mocking the fact that people really think that's a realistic portrayal. The point, in my interpretation, is to show people how ridiculous they've become, how far from reality their perspective has gotten. This gives the audience a chance to realize that change is possible, to wake them up. It's a chance to fight racism at the root -- crazy assumptions about others that have been blown out of proportion over time. It's a chance to start a real conversation.

And that's what makes it art. Anything that starts a conversation, that opens a path to progress, is a type of art. 

Of course, we don't all have the same idea about what progress is. 

And it's probable that not everyone shares my point of view on the jokes. 

I'll probably get attacked in the comments. Or in more private messages later. 

And you want to know a secret? My self-doubt voices don't want me to publish this. So I can see why Twitter still has me banned, because by expressing my opinion here, but pressing publish, I'm gonna crap all over those precious self-doubt voices again. I really am the only threat to their existence. Oddly, if those voices caused MY death, they'd die too. Funny that they need me to survive yet try to take me down. 

Saturday, April 24, 2021

U is for Underwear #atozchallenge #ShortStory

#AtoZChallenge 2021 April Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter U

My theme for 2021 is a Young Adult short story. A double-date in the 1990s. An established teen couple sets up their best friends with each other, but it doesn't go well.

Today's word count is approximately: 323 words

U is for Underwear

"Cotton candy?" Yohann asks when he breaks the kiss with Madelyn.


He licks his lips. "The flavoring on your lips."

"Strawberry Lip Smackers," I answer, knowing which one Madelyn always wears. Yohann looks over at me.

I also know that she's wearing green satin underwear right now. I haven't seen them, she didn't tell me. But I know she thinks that wearing them makes her sexier, and that the color indicates she's horny, which she'd want to convey in case Yohann somehow encountered them. 

Because it isn't about him for her. It's about the experience. As if it's a video game and she just wants to win. I should have thought about that before suggesting Yohann. Lori was an evil witch, but at least she liked Yohann for Yohann. And he has been lonely since she left. 

Lance kisses my ear and whispers, "See? They're hitting it off. Everything is fine."

Oh, if only that were true. 

"Are you really going to keep shampoo at Mike's?" Lance asks, pointing to the bottle.

"No. I do need a bottle though. Why, do you think I should?"

He shrugs. "We're there enough. I have a drawer. You could keep it there."

"Next to your spare boxers and the condoms?" I nibble his lower lip. 

"We should get more of those, too." He winks.

"Do not bring condoms to my parents' house. They will freak."

Lance laughs. "Really? I was totally planning to have an orgy on your living room floor later. Darn."

I giggle. "Guess we can't get whipped cream, either."

Yohann wraps his arms around Madelyn's waist from behind. "So there's no protection at your house? What if your parents leave town?"

"They never go anywhere."

"Hmm, that's no fun. We're going to have to come up with ways to sneak you out."

Madelyn turns bright red as she grins. Yohann eyes me. 

"Let's just go get a video."

Thank you for reading! 
If you're on mobile and can't see my sidebar:
My Twitter would be @PenMinion - but I'm suspended right now. I used a quote from a comedian to threaten my self-critical inner voices. I didn't know that voices in my head were protected by Twitter's TOS. But they are. And even though the comedian has a Twitter account, and the quoted joke is available as a gif on Twitter, it was still a violation of the TOS. (And possibly racist?) Feel free to scroll this blog to learn more. I have several posts about it. In the meantime, never threaten inner voices of self-doubt, because you can be kicked off of social media for such an action. 

Get Stash, an app that makes investing easy. If you sign up with my link and add cash, we both get $20 of bonus stock. 💵

Jamie.Writer on Instagram

Please let me know who you are on the Master List if you're doing a to z-- I'd like to visit you too!
Have a puuuurfect day. 🐈

Friday, April 23, 2021

T is for Trolls #atozchallenge #ShortStory

#AtoZChallenge 2021 April Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter T

My theme for 2021 is a Young Adult short story. A double-date in the 1990s. An established teen couple sets up their best friends with each other, but it doesn't go well.

Today's word count is approximately: 245 words

T is for Trolls

They give up on antagonizing me and aim for Madelyn. "And what's your story?"

"She's with me," I hear Yohann say. 

Please, please, don't let this go bad. She can't take any more cannon fodder being fed to these two. If our principal wasn't blind, they'd have both been expelled by now. But, of course, the staff has been fooled.

"And you're what, having an orgy with those two?"

"Maybe you should be more concerned about your own love lives. I don't see any guys following you. Are there two mister trolls lingering somewhere around here?" Yohann asks with a laugh.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Just because we don't bring guys to this dump mall doesn't mean we don't have dates."

Yohann laughs. "Yes, from the look of it, you're dating each other. For the best, since I don't think an actual guy would want any of that."

I hear Madelyn gasp. I pause kissing to chuckle.

"Clearly, guys from your school have no taste."

"I have excellent taste. Especially for sweets." I look over as Yohann pulls Madelyn closer. He runs his thumb across her lip. I see her shiver with anticipation a moment before he kisses her. 

My heart would swell with joy if I believed it meant even a tenth to him what it means to her. But the trolls don't know what I know. So they saunter off, probably to collect bridge tolls on someone else's happiness.

Thank you for reading! 
If you're on mobile and can't see my sidebar:
My Twitter would be @PenMinion - but I'm suspended right now. I used a quote from a comedian to threaten my self-critical inner voices. I didn't know that voices in my head were protected by Twitter's TOS. But they are. And even though the comedian has a Twitter account, and the quoted joke is available as a gif on Twitter, it was still a violation of the TOS. (And possibly racist?) Feel free to scroll this blog to learn more. I have several posts about it. In the meantime, never threaten inner voices of self-doubt, because you can be kicked off of social media for such an action. 

Get Stash, an app that makes investing easy. If you sign up with my link and add cash, we both get $20 of bonus stock. 💵

Jamie.Writer on Instagram

Please let me know who you are on the Master List if you're doing a to z-- I'd like to visit you too!
Have a puuuurfect day. 🐈

Thursday, April 22, 2021

S is for Shampoo #atozchallenge #ShortStory

#AtoZChallenge 2021 April Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter S

My theme for 2021 is a Young Adult short story. A double-date in the 1990s. An established teen couple sets up their best friends with each other, but it doesn't go well.

Today's word count is approximately: 340 words

S is for  Shampoo

There's a familiar cackle from behind me. "Oh. My. God. What are they even, like, doing here?"

"Yeah, seriously. It's like this store will totally let anyone in."

I tap my forehead against Lance's chest, wanting to bash my brains out. The same way I generally feel when around these two.

"Yeah, it's like it's a public place or something. Which explains why they allow you two whores in here," I keep my arms around Lance, but turn my head just enough to look them in the eye as I fling the insult.

"What did you call us?"

"My bad. Virgins can't be whores. Trolls would be more accurate."

Jaws drop open. Madelyn grabs my shoulder. "Don't antagonize them!" 

"Screw that. This isn't school. Some teacher isn't going to come around the corner and suspend me. This is the actual world. I'll say whatever I please to the ugly trolls."

"How dare you speak to us that way!"

"How dare you speak to us at all!"

"Shut up. We're on dates. See, when you're not a troll, you can actually get a date." I'm sure Madelyn is right and that I'll pay for this in school later. But that's a future problem. 

"Babe, who are these two?"

"Troll bitches from school. They thrive on getting people in trouble with teachers and whatnot. Not worth the space they take up."

"At least my dates don't take me to Phar-mor."

I let go of Lance and grab my shampoo bottle off the shelf. "I didn't have my shampoo at his place. I was getting a bottle before we rent movies and get take-out. I plan to get laid tonight. What's your big plan?"

The bitches look to Lance. I glance up. He's smiling. 

"You aren't sleeping with her."

Lance wraps his arms around me. "Hell yeah, I am." He grabs my ass as he leans closer. I kiss him with passionate fire. I'd rip his clothing off and do him right here in the seasonal and clearance aisle of Phar-mor. 

Thank you for reading! 
If you're on mobile and can't see my sidebar:
My Twitter would be @PenMinion - but I'm suspended right now. I used a quote from a comedian to threaten my self-critical inner voices. I didn't know that voices in my head were protected by Twitter's TOS. But they are. And even though the comedian has a Twitter account, and the quoted joke is available as a gif on Twitter, it was still a violation of the TOS. (And possibly racist?) Feel free to scroll this blog to learn more. I have several posts about it. In the meantime, never threaten inner voices of self-doubt, because you can be kicked off of social media for such an action. 

Get Stash, an app that makes investing easy. If you sign up with my link and add cash, we both get $20 of bonus stock. 💵

Jamie.Writer on Instagram

Please let me know who you are on the Master List if you're doing a to z-- I'd like to visit you too!
Have a puuuurfect day. 🐈

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

R is for Video Rental #atozchallenge #ShortStory anniversary

#AtoZChallenge 2021 April Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter R

My theme for 2021 is a Young Adult short story. A double-date in the 1990s. An established teen couple sets up their best friends with each other, but it doesn't go well.

Today's word count is approximately: 205 words

R is for Video Rental

I hear Yohann come up behind me. "Anyone else hungry?"

Madelyn huffs. "We don't have time to eat much. It's already seven-thirty."

"Are we allowed at your house?" Lance asks her. 

"What do you mean?"

"There's a video rental here. And XQZ. We could order take-out and watch a movie at your place. Or drop you off and go to Mike's, if your parents won't let us stay."

Under Lance's jacket, my hands form fists. I want to hear Mike's name like a hole in the head right now.

"We could get noodles and watch Lady and the Tramp. Or a scary movie." I hear Yohann say. "I can cover your eyes at the scary parts."

Madelyn laughs. "I love horror movies. Eye covering won't be necessary." 

And then bombs drop and explode as Yohann's attempt at flirting blows up so badly that a giant crater will be all that's left of this mall. My body shakes as I try to repress a laugh. 

Lance strokes my hair. "What about you, babe? Take-out Chinese and a movie sound good?"

"Sounds like two additional hours in the only place I want to be."

He kisses the top of my head.

Thank you for reading! 
If you're on mobile and can't see my sidebar:
My Twitter would be @PenMinion - but I'm suspended right now. I used a quote from a comedian to threaten my self-critical inner voices. I didn't know that voices in my head were protected by Twitter's TOS. But they are. And even though the comedian has a Twitter account, and the quoted joke is available as a gif on Twitter, it was still a violation of the TOS. (And possibly racist?) Feel free to scroll this blog to learn more. I have several posts about it. In the meantime, never threaten inner voices of self-doubt, because you can be kicked off of social media for such an action. 

Get Stash, an app that makes investing easy. If you sign up with my link and add cash, we both get $20 of bonus stock. 💵

Jamie.Writer on Instagram

Please let me know who you are on the Master List if you're doing a to z-- I'd like to visit you too!
Have a puuuurfect day. 🐈

Today is my fourteenth wedding anniversary! 


Lyle, Kevin, Jesse, John, Jamie, Renee, Jamie, Liz


Bouquet battle with best friend Renee ❤


Wedding colors: Green, purple, dark blue, light blue

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Q is for Quit #atozchallenge #ShortStory

#AtoZChallenge 2021 April Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter Q

My theme for 2021 is a Young Adult short story. A double-date in the 1990s. An established teen couple sets up their best friends with each other, but it doesn't go well.

Today's word count is approximately: 400 words

Q is for Quit

As soon as Lance is within view, I run toward him. He raises an eyebrow as he holds his arms open. I dive in, burying my face in his chest.

"Tighter," I say as my body quivers. I can't burst into tears in the Phar-mor. I chuck my bottle of shampoo at the nearest shelf.

"You all right, babe?" He runs his fingers up and down my spine as he holds me tight.

"I quit." Madelyn taps me on the shoulder. Nope. No one is home. Go away. I'll never be able to share the conversation with her. She'll just accuse me of trying to steal Yohann from her. 

Stupid, stupid, stupid. This double date was supposed to bring us closer. Our friendship has been having problems for a while now. I can't talk to her about any of my experiences with Lance because she gets angry at me for having a boyfriend when she hasn't. I really couldn't talk to her about what happened with Mike. 

One night. All because I was mad at Lance for being too friendly with a certain cheerleader after winning a game. He said it was nothing. Maybe it was nothing. But the flirtation happened in front of a large crowd. And the girl sitting in the stands to my left leaned over and said it looked like I had been replaced. 

Mike was at the game too, sitting on my right. I grabbed his hand and told him to take me home. He saw what was happening. He knew I was pissed. And maybe he took advantage of that vulnerability. Or maybe I took advantage of his promiscuity. In the moment, I wanted Lance to feel as hurt as I felt. To feel as replaceable. 

But in the morning, I regretted it. And I took my anger out on Mike for letting it happen. Which is why I screamed at him that I should have thrown myself at Yohann instead. I meant because Yohann would have calmed me down and talked me out of doing something I'd regret. 

Now I don't know if he would have been that kind of friend. But I do know that Mike has loose lips because he obviously told Yohann about the incident. 

I've ruined Madelyn's chances with Yohann. Why the hell did he agree to go on this date?

Thank you for reading! 
If you're on mobile and can't see my sidebar:
My Twitter would be @PenMinion - but I'm suspended right now. I used a quote from a comedian to threaten my self-critical inner voices. I didn't know that voices in my head were protected by Twitter's TOS. But they are. And even though the comedian has a Twitter account, and the quoted joke is available as a gif on Twitter, it was still a violation of the TOS. (And possibly racist?) Feel free to scroll this blog to learn more. I have several posts about it. In the meantime, never threaten inner voices of self-doubt, because you can be kicked off of social media for such an action. 

Get Stash, an app that makes investing easy. If you sign up with my link and add cash, we both get $20 of bonus stock. 💵

Jamie.Writer on Instagram

Please let me know who you are on the Master List if you're doing a to z-- I'd like to visit you too!
Have a puuuurfect day. 🐈

Monday, April 19, 2021

P is for Phar-Mor #atozchallenge #ShortStory and Pinterest

#AtoZChallenge 2021 April Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter P

My theme for 2021 is a Young Adult short story. A double-date in the 1990s. An established teen couple sets up their best friends with each other, but it doesn't go well.

Today's word count is approximately: 445 words

P is for Phar-Mor 

I point the shampoo bottle at Yohann. "I was yelling at Mike. Just because of one stupid night… Does Lance know?"

Yohann shrugs. "You told Mike that you wish you hooked up with me instead of him. Is that why you're trying to set me up with Madelyn? So I'm less available?"

No. No, no, no. Dammit! "Yohann, don't do this."

"You've broken up with Lance a dozen times. Every time, you still called me, still hung out with me. I thought it was to keep tabs on him. Were you really waiting for me to be single too? All this time?"

I pinch the bridge of my nose. "What I yelled at Mike has nothing to do with you. It's not what you think."

He pulls my hand from my face. "For you, I'll always be available."

"Shit. This is not how this conversation is meant to go." I hug my shampoo.

"No?" He runs his fingers through my hair. "What did you want to talk to me about without the two of them?"

I pull away from him. Tears well up in my eyes and my voice cracks. "Kissing Madelyn."

He crosses his arms.

"I wanted to find out if you were going to."

"Do you really want me to kiss her?"

I rub my eyes. "Yes. Maybe."

He presses his forehead against mine. "Maybe?"

I pull back. "Because I don't want her to use you. Which isn't the same as what you're implying. Shit."

He shakes his head. "Yeah. She'd be the one using me. Right."

I slug his arm. He doesn't even flinch. My hand, however, pulsates with pain. 

"Dammit, Yohann! I can't believe you're saying this. You're ruining this aisle of Phar-Mor."

"How's that?" The leather sleeves creak as he crosses his arms.

"Because now every time I'm in this aisle, I'm going to remember that my boyfriend's best friend just hit on me while being on a date with my best friend."

"Yeah, just refer to me as his friend again. You can't even call me your friend here when it's only us."

I close my eyes. "How am I supposed to call you my friend when you're doing this right now?"

He touches my face. "Fine. I won't bring it up again. Just know you have options."

"I don't want options. I want Madelyn to be happy."

"So I can make you happy by giving her what she wants?"

"Yes. No. I don't know. Why is this so complicated? Do you like her?"

"I think I've been pretty clear about who I like."

I throw my arms up in defeat and storm off.

Love triange
(pinned on my "Interesting" board)

Thank you for reading! 
If you're on mobile and can't see my sidebar:
My Twitter would be @PenMinion - but I'm suspended right now. I used a quote from a comedian to threaten my self-critical inner voices. I didn't know that voices in my head were protected by Twitter's TOS. But they are. And even though the comedian has a Twitter account, and the quoted joke is available as a gif on Twitter, it was still a violation of the TOS. (And possibly racist?) Feel free to scroll this blog to learn more. I have several posts about it. In the meantime, never threaten inner voices of self-doubt, because you can be kicked off of social media for such an action. 

Get Stash, an app that makes investing easy. If you sign up with my link and add cash, we both get $20 of bonus stock. 💵

Jamie.Writer on Instagram

Please let me know who you are on the Master List if you're doing a to z-- I'd like to visit you too!
Have a puuuurfect day. 🐈