Monday, September 9, 2024

Civ VI gameplay plan

I'm not a gaming expert, but I prefer this gameplay plan for the video game Sid Meier's Civilization VI.

I have all the expansions, so this plan is based on that. It aims mainly at peaceful victories, such as in science, diplomatic, or culture. 

Research should be chosen based on nearby resources for the first few turns. Workers getting tiles to earn for your civilization is essential to sustain and grow a city. Beyond that, I've laid out my favorite Wonders, tech, and cultures. 

Hanging Gardens - Ancient - Irrigation - Increases Growth by 15% in all cities. (Must be built next to a River.)
[tech] - Ancient - Animal Husbandry - Reveals Horses.
Oracle - Ancient - Mysticism - Buying Great People costs 25% less Faith (Must be built on Hills.)
[tech] - Ancient - Bronze Working - Reveals Iron
~Code of Laws policy~  Ancient - Military - +5 Combat Strength when fighting Barbarians.
~Craftmanship policy~  Ancient - Economic - +30% Production towards Builders.
~State Workforce policy~  Ancient - Economic - +15% Production towards Ancient and Classical era wonders.
~Political Philosophy policy~  Ancient - Diplomatic The first  Envoy you send to each city-state counts as 2
~Foreign Trade policy~  Ancient - Trader
~Military Tradition policy~  Ancient - Grants Flanking and Support
~State Workforce policy~  Ancient - Government Plaza

Mausoleum at Halicarnassus - Classical - Defensive Tactics- All Great Engineer Great Engineers have an additional charge. (Must be built on a coastal tile adjacent to a Harbor district.)
~Games and Recreation policy~  Classical - Entertainment District 
~Drama and Poetry policy~  Classical - Theater Square
~Theology policy~  Classical - Temple

Alhambra - Medieval - Castles - +1 Military Policy slot (Must be built on Hills adjacent to an Encampment district.)
[tech] - Medieval - Buttress - Dam (It must be built on a Floodplains tile and the River must traverse at least 2 adjacent sides of the future Dam tile.)
[tech] - Medieval - Military Engineering - Reveals Niter
~Feudalism policy~  Medieval - Economic - Newly trained Builders gain 2 extra build actions.
~Mercenaries policy~  Medieval - Military - 50% discount on all unit upgrades.
~Divine Right policy~  Medieval - Economic - +15% Production toward Ancient, Classical, Medieval and Renaissance era wonders.

Forbidden City - Renaissance - Printing - +1 Wildcard Slot Wildcard policy slot (Must be built on flat land adjacent to City Center.)
Potala Palace - Renaissance - Astronomy - +1 Diplomatic Policy slot (Must be built on a Hill adjacent to a Mountain.)
[tech] - Renaissance - Cartography - Allows ocean movement. 
Taj Mahal - Renaissance - Humanism - +1 Era Score from Historic Moment earned after the wonder is complete if that Moment is usually worth 2 or more Era Score. (Must be built next to a River.)
Venetian Arsenal - Renaissance - Mass Production - Receive a second naval unit each time you train a naval unit. (Must be built on the Coast and adjacent to an Industrial Zone district.)
~Diplomatic Service policy~  Renaissance - Diplomatic - +50% Production towards Spies. Spy operations take 25% less time.
~Humanism policy~  Renaissance - Archaeological Museum
~Diplomatic Service policy~  Renaissance - Spy

[tech] - Industrial - Industrialization - Reveals coal
Big Ben - Industrial - Economics - +1 Economic Policy slot (Must be built next to a River adjacent to a Commercial Hub district with a Bank.)
~Civil Engineering policy~  Industrial - Economic - +30% Production towards Builders. Newly trained Builders gain 2 additional Build actions.
~Civil Engineering policy~  Industrial - Economic - +15% Production Production towards all Wonders.
~Natural History policy~  Industrial - Archaeologist, Reveals Antiquity Site Antiquity Sites. 
~Urbanization policy~  Industrial - Neighborhood district 

Eiffel Tower - Modern - Steel - All tiles in your civilization gain +2 Appeal (Must be built on flat land adjacent to City Center.)
[tech] - Modern - Steel - Reveals oil
[tech] - Modern - Radio - Reveals Aluminum
[tech] - Modern - Combustion - Oil Well
[tech] - Modern - Radio - Hydroelectric Dam
~Ideology policy~  Modern - Diplomatic - Enemy Spy levels reduced by 2 in your lands.
~Nuclear Program policy~  Modern - Diplomatic - Spies who steal a tech boost without being detected gain an extra boost.
~Totalitarianism policy~  Modern - Diplomatic - Open Borders with all City-States, and +4 influence points per turn towards earning Envoys.

Biosphère - Atomic - Synthetic Materials - +200% Power Power for renewable energy. (Must be built next to a River adjacent to a Neighborhood.) 
{I LOVE using renewable energy for my cities.}
[tech] - Atomic - Synthetic Materials - Geothermal Plants 
[tech] - Atomic - Combined Arms - Reveals Uranium
[tech] - Atomic - Rocketry - Spaceport
[tech] - Atomic - Rocketry - Launch Earth Satellite (first step toward Science Victory)
~Cold War policy~  Atomic - Diplomatic - Enemy Spy level reduced by 2 in your lands. Your Spy level is increased by 1 for offensive operations.
~Space Race policy~  Atomic - Diplomatic - Rock Bands from other players may not enter your territory.
~Space Race policy~  Atomic - Military - +15% Production towards Space Race projects if a city has either a Military Academy or a Seaport.
~Cultural Heritage policy~  Atomic - Shipwrecks
~Cold War policy~  Atomic - Rock Band

[tech] - Information - Satellites - Solar Farm
[tech] - Information - Satellites - Launch Moon Landing (second step towards Science Victory)
[tech] - Information - Composites - Wind farm
[tech] - Information - Robotics - Giant Death Robot

[tech] - Future - Predictive Systems - Offshore Wind
[tech] - Future - Seasteads - Seastead
[tech] - Future - Smart Materials - Exoplanet Expedition, the fourth step toward winning a Science Victory.
[tech] - Future - Offworld Mission - Lagrange Laser Station, Terrestrial Laser Station
~Information Warfare policy~  Future - Wildcard - 50% production toward Giant Death Robots
~Global Warming Mitigation policy~  Future - Carbon Recapture

Wednesday, September 4, 2024




One day, the English teacher started using the word predicate. But never said what that meant. That messed me up.
"What is a Predicate? The predicate of a sentence describes either what the subject is doing or the state of the subject. The predicate must always contain a verb, but it can also include objects, either direct or indirect, and different types of modifiers, such as adverbs, prepositional phrases, or objects." -Google

Rose prompt

A gift of a book blanket and a candle on my cake. Part of my 45th birthday.