Sunday, March 9, 2025

2025 Theme Reveal #AtoZChallenge Bloghop

#AtoZChallenge 2025
Please check out the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge
AtoZChallenge theme reveal 2025 #atozchallenge

My theme this year is going to be memories. A sort of alphabet of an autobiography, if you will. 

It's what we are, and one never knows when they could be gone. So I'll put some here. Hopefully they'll be interesting. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025


Happy birthday to my husband John.
(Eating birthday potato soup from our friends Katie and Bob.)

Alternative to the orange felon's speech last night. Approximately 150k were watching when I last looked. 

This is an annoyance. I got a pineapple 🍍 coconut 🥥 slushie from my favorite food truck. And, while carrying it home, I slipped on the icey steps, the cup fell, and it completely exploded. Absolutely none left in the busted cup.

For a day, I'd like to be an annoyance to the traitorous felon who is destroying my country. Every freaking day, I'm stressed by yet another proclamation that targets my friends, family, environment, wallet, or a combination of those. 

So I'd like to be at least an annoyance for a day, to him. Wet socks, broken shoe 👞 heel, hair won't sit right, every pen is out, leaks, or explodes ink everywhere. Stuff like that. Annoying and humiliating. Some extra chaos. 

Obviously, I cannot become this thing. Just a fictional fantasy. Probably wouldn't make a real difference. Almost nothing I do feels like it makes much of a difference anymore. But I try. I reach out to Congress almost daily, sometimes more than once a day. I'm sure it isn't helping my blood pressure or respiratory issues, but I'm trying. 

I'd want to be an annoyance to him for a day. He plans to cut off my medical care and income, which will result in my life ending. So, there's that. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Where Is My Money 💰

For followers of this blog, you know I lost a social media 🐦 account for a time. 

Well... so did someone else. And he's getting $10 million dollars. Hell... where is MY money??

🤦‍♀️ Wow. What a huge weight off of my mind. Between this and renaming a body of water, all our problems are solved. 😑 Smooth sailing from here on out. Yup. Perfect health, wealth, and love for the whole country now. Heck, the whole world. Utopian paradise ✨️ coming up! 🤨 Yup. Any second now. 🫣🤔 Yup...


Wednesday, February 5, 2025

IWSG cha cha changes

February 5 question - Is there a story or book you've written you want to/wish you could go back and change?

I started a story a few years ago, mostly to process and deal with the unbearable emotions I was facing. I never published it. I shared some of it with two people. There's almost nothing stopping me from making changes to it. 
  • I don't care enough
  • I can't figure out how to get Scrivener on a Chromebook ( *NOT a complaint or ingradititude -- an observation of my own ineptitude) 
    • My Samsung laptop won't work soon because of Windows update and such
      • I'm fucking poor
      • Probably gonna be more poor as food prices soar
        • I hate Trump
  • What I want to change depresses the shit out of me
So, I don't see this happening any time soon. 

There's another story I was working on. (Yup, also in Scrivener.) It's a YA. 
(There is no Caps Lock on Chromebook. Stop hitting Caps Lock, Jamie. Dammit.)
Anyhow, the tech doesn't fit. I don't know. I've been working on it for over a decade. 
And now, my main character would have much larger problems. Impossible ones. 

I don't know. I'm not okay. My friends aren't okay. Every day is a new, horrible, psychotic... 
A plane crashed in my old neighborhood the other day. 
Planes are falling from the sky. And the dipshit running the country is all, "we need to reduce the safety procedures and get rid of people!" 
Didn't see planes falling from the sky when Biden was president. Or birds. They found dead geese in a nearby lake, with the bird flu. No one is doing anything about that. 

I have zero chill. No focus. I just... 
I keep writing my useless Congress people.
And that story I was talking about? Yeah, my main character is a big supporter of someone who is currently a Congress person. And that person has taken a political nosedive. Abandoned a large chunk of what my main character admired. I already kill off her parents, have her betrayed by her family, lose a friend... now someone she looks up to fails? They were supposed to be the thing that propels her forward, that moves that final part so she is inspired to become the character at the ending. Now there's no decent reason for her choice. It's not a small rewrite, it's a plot overhaul. And I just don't feel like I have that in me. Not right now. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Admiration #IWSG

I admired a woman, let's call her Soup. She spent a lot of time with me, for which I am grateful. She also spent a fair amount of time trying to get me to want to be someone else. Probably because she wanted to be someone else or maybe someone treated her that way? She lost a lot of interest in me when I became a teenager. Literally my 13th birthday. Suddenly I wasn't invited to things and we didn't hang out or anything. I don't know if it was me or her. I turned down a job at 16 because it was during hours she might call and want to do something. That call didn't come. A year later, a major and horrible, ultimately tragic, event happened. Soup knew it was coming but didn't tell me. Then blamed me for not knowing and thus not doing anything about it. We didn't speak for several years. Another death reconnected us a little. I now see a lot of the toxic traits. I see why she has lost most of her friends- she had an extensive network of people forty years ago. She's going through a hard time. I feel sympathy. But just the other day, we talked briefly, and she managed to mock me and call me names for ten minutes. I gave absolutely no response and she suddenly had to go and hung up. 

So yes, I admired someone and my opinion changed as I grew up. This example has been on my mind lately. A very complicated relationship which is mostly toxic.