Thursday, January 5, 2023

New Year

 I did not accomplish anything today. I was not "Empowered." (My word of the year, I guess.)

I could feel guilty about that. And I do, a bit.


I could phrase it that I had an incredibly difficult health day yesterday. So I spent today recovering and not pushing myself too hard, thus not spiraling into another heath crisis. 

I also read yesterday that potassium can lower blood pressure. It takes like 4700mg to do anything though. There is none in my daily vitamin. 🍌🥔🥦 So there are probably days where I get none or nearly any. 

422mg in a banana. 897 in a potato. 468 in broccoli.

I don't eat those every day. I don't eat ANYTHING  everyday. Yogurt comes close. I like a varied flavor experience.

Except when I'm ill, like yesterday, where my experience is just vomit, muscles locked up, and a migraine on a Clark Kent/ Superman level. (How does he deal with super heightened senses ALL THE TIME? It's hell. Maybe he doesn't notice because he's born with it. But, on Smallville, they developed like puberty. And let me tell you, having every sense revved up is NOT pleasant. I think it causes the headache part of the migraine because the brain cannot process the information.) 

Anyway. Hope your New Year is starting  better than mine. I just sold a ton of stocks to pay bills. 

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