Wednesday, May 1, 2024

IWSG and AtoZChallenge Reflecions

This month, the IWSG asked about dealing with distractions during writing. 
Well, I just failed to complete the A to Z Challenge thanks to the distraction of pain. My right wrist is so unstable. Typing HURTS. I have failed to overcome this.
Plus, my diabetic husband has been turned from short-term disability to long-term disability. He has gotten worse. Three weeks of laying on the couch, doing NOTHING, but he got a hole in his foot. How??? 
Just dealing with the insane life changes is ALL I can do right now. I lack the fortitude to deal with anything more.

Reflecions 2024 #AtoZChallenge 

My April 2024 A to Z Challenge blogging theme was to revise a YA novel I've been working on for almost a decade and then generate a new and better query letter to send in the hopes of traditional publication.
I want to publish that way because I believe it will give the book the best distribution, especially in school libraries where underrepresented young people could borrow it. The target audience is teenagers who have an incarcerated family member, teens who are treated as outcasts for situations beyond their control, and Latinas preparing for their quinceañera.
Read more in my theme reveal post:

I didn't make it. I gave up due to pain. 

Hopefully I will be able to do the challenge next year.
Hopefully I'll get the physical strength to edit the book more, and mental health to submit the query letter again (which hopefully is better?), and the emotional fortitude to keep going.

Thanks to the people who visited in April. 
I feel that I left more comments than I got, but that's how it goes. I did what I could when I could.

Feedback is needed! I'm revising, so please make suggestions if you have any. 💗


  1. Sometimes all we can do is deal with life as it happens. I read a great book about that for the A-Z "How to Keep House While Drowning" that really helped me (it's in my X post if you're interested).
    I hope your wrist gets better soon. Good luck with the writing and querying.

    Ronel visiting for IWSG day Adventures in Audio: An Introduction to Audio Production

  2. You tried though. And your target readers for that book are great and probably much needed.

  3. I'm sorry you're dealing with so much. Hope things improve soon and that you have great success with the query letter!

  4. I'm sorry you didn't get to finish. I hope that you try again next year. I am sorry you are juggling so much pain.

  5. Sorry to hear pain is bossing you around. Good intentions count though, and there's always next year.


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