Wednesday, March 5, 2025


Happy birthday to my husband John.
(Eating birthday potato soup from our friends Katie and Bob.)

Alternative to the orange felon's speech last night. Approximately 150k were watching when I last looked. 

This is an annoyance. I got a pineapple 🍍 coconut 🥥 slushie from my favorite food truck. And, while carrying it home, I slipped on the icey steps, the cup fell, and it completely exploded. Absolutely none left in the busted cup.

For a day, I'd like to be an annoyance to the traitorous felon who is destroying my country. Every freaking day, I'm stressed by yet another proclamation that targets my friends, family, environment, wallet, or a combination of those. 

So I'd like to be at least an annoyance for a day, to him. Wet socks, broken shoe 👞 heel, hair won't sit right, every pen is out, leaks, or explodes ink everywhere. Stuff like that. Annoying and humiliating. Some extra chaos. 

Obviously, I cannot become this thing. Just a fictional fantasy. Probably wouldn't make a real difference. Almost nothing I do feels like it makes much of a difference anymore. But I try. I reach out to Congress almost daily, sometimes more than once a day. I'm sure it isn't helping my blood pressure or respiratory issues, but I'm trying. 

I'd want to be an annoyance to him for a day. He plans to cut off my medical care and income, which will result in my life ending. So, there's that. 


  1. Happy Birthday to your husband!
    Maybe cutting down your annoyances would be much better for your health. You don't have to cut them out, but limit them to maybe two times a week.
    Take care of yourself.
    Shalom shalom

  2. Thank you for writing those letters. I struggle every day worrying about the impact of these 'promised' MAGA changes. I can't watch tv, not even last night. But I haven't written any letters, uncertain if they would do any good. I feel helpless. Probably just what 'he' wanted. So, now, inspired by you, today I will write a letter to DC and to my congressman. Persevere. And maybe get another one of those delicious slushies to bring the stress level down.

  3. Enjoy your slushie. Resist. Repeat. That's all you can do, every day.

  4. It will not destroy the country. Just relax.

  5. What a thoughtful birthday gift for your husband, Jamie! He definitely has good friends. Like you, I've been in touch with Congress, in particular my Congressman Jason Crow, multiple times. I remind myself that we've survived difficult times in the past as Americans, and hopefully we'll survive this too. But I am concerned. I'm sorry you lost your pineapple coconut slushie. May you be enjoying one very soon. Sending you a big hug!


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