Monday, November 2, 2020

Terrorists Plan Terrorism

 Edit of Yahoo News article.

I'm not changing the meaning of any content. I'm just editing. 

[Terrorists] training for violence in case Donald Trump loses election, says report

(Original by:

Graeme Massie

Tue, October 27, 2020, 8:43 PM) 

[Terrorists] are training for violence incase Donald Trump loses the election to Joe Biden.

[Terrorists] are preparing for civil conflict as they believe that the president’s defeat on election day is inevitable, according to the report from BuzzFeed.

[The terrorists were] reportedly created in the aftermath of [an event in America] and now have hundreds of members around the US.

[The terrorists'] preparations were revealed in a cache of hundreds of messages exchanged between [terrorists] in an encrypted messaging app, according to BuzzFeed.

“In logs of the chats, all from this year, around 280 [terrorists] discuss grandiose goals — creating a [minimum population] from the existing United States [population]," wrote Jane Lytvynenko.

"The group wants to expel [Americans], remaking the fabric of America.

“The messages reveal a sophisticated network of [terrorists] who are training for violence.

“[The terrorists], who believe the United States is a nation that belongs only to [some Americans], wear uniforms made up of bomber jackets, face coverings, and beige khakis, mandate weight loss and intense workouts, and regularly practice hand-to-hand combat.

“Some openly call themselves [types of terrorists] and revere [historically significant terrorists].”

The report reveals that the [terrorists] believe that it does not matter who wins the election in one week.

“It does not matter what people personally believe about it,” wrote the [terrorists'] leader Thomas Rousseau.

[Edited to improve accuracy.] 

(Feel free to track down the original. The bottom line is that terrorists are threatening terrorism because they support Trump.)

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