Wednesday, February 2, 2022

For Jeremy

Jeremy Hawkins of the A to Z Challenge passed away. 

Jeremy death

I took part in the 2016 A to Z Challenge. I didn't really think about getting a mug or a shirt or whatever back then. But I figured I would get one now. $15 off code

There's really nothing else I want on the site, but I'm happy to share a $15 off code with others.

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Reflection Jamie of uniquelymaladjustedbutfun
Photo of me in 2019 in my shirt taken by co-host Jayden!

I ordered a shirt in 2021. Here it is against one my NaNoWriMo shirts of the same size. The A to Z shirt is cut a little smaller, especially in the arm/ chest area. poster

I have a print of this poster next to my desk.
poster on wall

A mug, a poster, and two shirts. The tribute instructions said to showcase items he made that people bought, so that's what I've done.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent! I have all of the A to Z shirts Jeremy designed. Don't wear T-shirts that often as my primary dress, but when I do it's usually one of those A to Z shirts. Considering the frequency which I wear them, those shirts are going to last me many many summers if I last that long.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out


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