Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Flood Nightmare

 (Not an A to Z post.)

I dozed off. Just a nap, really. But there was a horrible dream. I need to write it down and look stuff up. 

My home, my apartment, is on the bottom floor, my window just off the dirt. This is relevant.

In the dream, I heard the wind outside. I got off the couch and went to look. It was windy, and there was a light rain. But then the rain got harder. Then there was a wave 🌊 of water. I don't know how. I left the window and went for my phone. Oddly, in the dream, I just got a new phone. It was still charging for the first time, still sitting in the plastic with the box. (I don't know if that matters. My phone is several years old. Some apps stopped working this week.)

I went back to the window. The wind was SO LOUD. There was a lot of water now. I shut the window, as it was open a tiny bit. (Like my actual window is right now.) And then I locked it.  Because the flooding was rising and I worried the water could actually force the window open if it hit. I started filming with my phone. That's when I thought I saw someone in the water. 

I didn't know if I should call 911 to report it. Then he washed up on the steps of the building across from mine. He had the bottom of a horse's leg through his chest. 🐎 I could see a horseshoe above his stomach. No idea where the rest of the horse was. Pretty clear he was dead. I was going to call and report it, but then the wind got louder and I saw another wave coming. Higher now. All the cars in my parking lot were underwater. (In reality, my window also would have been under.) This is when the wave hit my window, obscuring my view. Once it cleared, I saw a LOT of bodies. Most of them naked, for some reason? Floating in the water. Some dead, some drowning. I knew even if I called for help, it was unlikely anyone could get here, and the bodies would float away before help could arrive. That I couldn't do anything.

That's what woke me.

On to Google for interpretation:



Actually, I tend to depend on logic. So that doesn't sound like me.


Oddly, the new phone in the dream is supposed to be a good sign. 🤷‍♀️

I felt like it was important to share the dream. The feeling is passing. I'm not freaked out now. That was weird though. 


  1. I used to write down my dreams all the time. I still have my dream journal from fifty years ago. I even had a dream blog called A Faraway View that I stopped posting on several years ago. You can still read the old posts there.

    Floods have always been a source of fascination to me. A novel that I started back around 1975 had a flood as a main centerpiece. Someday I'll have to finish that. I still like anything pertaining to floods--just so I'm not in a flood.


  2. You've been through too much already. It has to be a flood with good news. Like you're getting flooded with words to read because my book is coming to you. 😁

    Happy IWSG day! Here's a giveaway- rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/4fa90ac761
    It's April, so I'm focused on the #AtoZChallenge.
    Proof of Existence, book two in my dark urban fantasy series, is out this month.
    I'm running another giveaway on my blog.

    J Lenni Dorner (he/him 👨🏽 or 🧑🏽 they/them) ~ Reference& Speculative Fiction Author, OperationAwesome6 Debut Author Interviewer, and Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge


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