Friday, April 14, 2017

#AtoZChallenge Make sure your taxes are filed or you will sink like the Titanic

M #AtoZChallenge holidays of April
This one is a stretch again:
Make sure your taxes are filed or you will sink like the Titanic

For those of us in the United States, April 15 is known as the last day to file income tax returns. Procrastinators, like my parents, will run to the post office at the last possible second. (Or hit submit on online forms, because that means EVEN MORE SECONDS! Ha ha.) I don't know anyone who actually likes this "holiday," so how about if we move on to another?

Titanic Remembrance Day

In 1912, over 1522 people died when the "unsinkable ship" sank.

This is also a depressing holiday. NEXT!

Husband Appreciation Day

The third Saturday in April is intended to honor husbands without children (the guys who get left out on Father's Day). All good husbands are worth appreciating, so find one (yours, or a friend who fits the bill, or one married to your sister, etc) and give them a pat on the back today.
Jamie's Husband
That's my sexy hubby. Love!

Will you participate any of these holidays and in what way?

The Uniquely Maladjusted But Fun blog is in the #AtoZchallenge 2017 with an April Holiday theme

The holidays of April is my #AtoZchallenge Theme.

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