Thursday, April 2, 2020

BB&B #AtoZchallenge #rpg #fantasy #prompt

My theme is a month of prompts and ideas for tabletop role-playing games or prompts for fantasy writers.
#AtoZChallenge 2020 badge

Yesterday I mentioned that my posts this month will have inspiration for various campaigns (or story ideas). The first one is the creation of an Urban Fantasy, what I named the "BB&B" campaign. Today you'll find out why.

But first, I promised there would be one more category for the character sheet. Will you let your players pick these (good), have them drawn out of a hat (neutral), or make them discover the truth through the game (evil)? Does that give you a hint as to what we're about to do? That's right, it's the players...


Lawful good - Here to purchase items on their list.

Neutral good - Regular customer. Has some items on a list, will check out the sales, and will also end up buying a bunch of other stuff.

Chaotic good - Came for the sales and bargains.

Lawful neutral - Comparison shopper here to consider making a purchase, maybe.

Neutral - Has never been to this store before.

Chaotic neutral - Here to browse, mosey around, kill time, or get in their daily steps.

Lawful evil - Here intending to steal items.

Neutral evil - Here to complain to customer service, intent on getting a refund. Might not have a receipt, might be an item that can't be returned, or maybe they're mad about something the can't control so they're here to fight over 99 cents because that's something they can do.

Chaotic evil - Here intending to wreck the place.

So where is "here"?

Click movie trailer

That's right. This Urban Fantasy campaign, set in 2020, takes place in a
(Mostly in the "beyond" section.)

Family Guy "Beyond" section clip.

Each player may put up to ten items in their basket, cart, or arms. (Or hiding spots on their person, for those lawful evil characters.) Then get the bonus items (see "A" post for details).

Attention shoppers! There's a special item here today.
Is it worth a million dollars? Is it a one of kind prototype? Maybe it's a magic lamp?
Each character believes they MUST have this object.
(It can be one item for each character, based on their desires. Or it can be a single item and the players have to fight each other.)
"Where is it?" the players ask the customer service clerk.
Past the bathrooms are a set of blue double doors. Just go in there and ask for WarLeo. Take your cart (or whatever) with you.
A white rabbit appears and the player is temporarily hypnotized in place.
Once all players are in place, the "beyond" section, the rabbit vanishes and the fun begins.

Tune in tomorrow for the next set of ideas for the BB&B campaign.

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