Sunday, April 19, 2020

Blogging Liebster Award

Liebster Award logo

Thanks for this award, JR! You're awesome. Any adults following my blog should go read her erotica books (if you're cool with that genre). 


1. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you.
2. Share 11 facts about yourself.
3. Answer the 11 questions the blogger(s) asked you.
4. Nominate 11 bloggers and make them happy!
5. Makeup to 11 questions and ask them to your nominees.
6. Notify your 11 nominees.

11 facts about me

  1. I prefer to watch tv on my tv. "But you can watch it on your little phone or handheld tablet!" When did we decide smaller screens are better? Did we reach the maximum tv size and then went the other way? I don't get it.
  2. I love books. I have a life goal of having my own library. My books are precious to me.
  3. I have a K-mart Santa Bear from every year they were made. 
  4. I greatly prefer to decorate with pictures instead of "art" or whatever.
  5. I don't have a favorite cup of coffee. I like different flavors for different days.
  6. Listening to the music of my choice while driving keeps me calm and focused. 
  7. Sometimes I feel more like a cat than a person. Generally when I see how some people act. What's the opposite of "faith in humanity restored" memes? (There's a presidency I could reference here. If that person is an example of people, I'm a cat. Meow. 🐈)
  8. I like to try new foods (as long as I'm not allergic to the ingredients). 
  9. I'm allergic to latex. I didn't know that for years. I have horror stories.
  10. My wedding colors were green and purple. But the dresses my girls found (on sale and available that day in their sizes!!!) were two shades of blue. So I had four colors for my wedding.
  11. I ran a freeform online gaming group for many years. I've met a few of those people in real life. One of my regular players was in my wedding party. Another of my casual players, it turned out, is related to my husband. 

The 11 questions from JR Vincente:
(This might be P part two for the #atozchallenge. 😄)

  1. What is your favorite color? Purple
  2. What is one food you can’t live without? Pasta
  3. Would you rather have someone cook or clean for you? Please cook, I want to live...
  4. What is your favorite thing about blogging? It's one more place to express myself
  5. What is one song you could listen to on repeat for a week? Any song I pick is going to drive me crazy after that many plays.
  6. What is one movie you have watched over and over again? Point of No Return
  7. What is your favorite cartoon? My Little Ponies: Friendship is Magic or She-Ra
  8. What is one story you tell everyone you meet? Protect yourself from latex. That subject comes up even at the grocery store (thanks to latex rubberbands around certain veggies). I don't tell everyone some of my special horror stories ("Give me back my 🍆!") (Yeah, that can be a p-word also...) But I do mention that I had many bad experiences over the years before someone realized I had an allergy. That just wasn't a "thing" back in the 80's. I was "imagining" it. Notions... uh-huh. 
  9. What is one thing you look for when picking a novel to read? Previously written books. I started reading something and was like, "Why do I feel like I missed the entire character establishing chapters?" Yeah, it was like the seventh book in a series. There were no numbers, no way to know, unless you looked the author up. That pissed me off. The book was good, but I know I'd have liked it more if I knew the characters. It was like hanging out with people who had been friends for years and had inside jokes and you're on the outside like... "okay..." Yeah. 😕
  10. What came first, the chicken or the egg? Pterodactyls laid eggs. There were eggs 300 million years ago. The chicken didn't come into existence until about 10,000 years ago. So it stands to reason that the first chicken hatched from an egg that was laid by a non-chicken.
  11. What is your favorite vacation destination? Pick a city where it's cold enough for me to enjoy activities. I really love the ocean, but it's hard to find a place that's open and fun in the colder seasons. Atlantic City has a huge advantage in this for me.

My nominees are all blogs in the #atozchallenge!

  1. Romi -
  2. Romila -
  3. Denise Costello -
  4. Dyanne Dillon -
  5. Writer Zen Garden -
  6. Suzy -
  7. Prakash Hegade -
  8. Lynn Proctor -
  9. Alana -
  10. Carol -
  11. Deborah Drucker - 

The 11 questions for my nominees:

  1. Where was the last place you went on vacation?
  2. How do you feel about Florida?
  3. What's your favorite flower?
  4. How many phone numbers do you have memorized? NO LOOKING IN YOUR PHONE!
  5. What are your feelings on sour cream?
  6. Are you good at any sports?
  7. Do you drink coffee, and if so, do you have a favorite?
  8. What brand of toilet paper do you prefer? 🚽
  9. How often do you use a thesaurus (or search for synonyms)?
  10. Have you ever done any roleplaying (RPG, MMORPG, tabletop, etc)?
  11. How much sleep do you like to have a night? (If you get it or not.)

Thanks for coming! 


  1. Congratulations and thank you for nominating me. I will pick this up after the A to Z.

  2. Thanks so much! Can’t wait to get to this!!

  3. Thank you for nominating me. I will have to decline without a unique or fun message - besides working from home, I also have a relative hospitalized with COVID-19 locally (upstate New York) and I am barely blogging. But I will answer one of your questions - my relationship with Florida is complicated. I lived there for two years and hoped to snowbird there - but now everything has changed. As has everyone's life. It would have made a great novel.

  4. Thanks so much. I'm overwhelmed in the A to Z now, but happy to answer a few questions. Love sour cream and coffee, but not together. My last vacation was to Sedona at the end of February. Didn't realize it until I was coming back that this might be my last vacation for quite awhile.


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