Thursday, April 9, 2020

Ignorance is Bliss Campaign #AtoZchallenge #rpg #fantasy #prompt

My theme is a month of prompts and ideas for tabletop role-playing games or prompts for fantasy writers.
#AtoZChallenge 2020 badge

Ignorance is Bliss Campaign

The party is formed by a group of adventures who have noticed the balance of luck seems to be off.

At first, rolls requiring a 1d20 instead get a 2d20. Use the lower score.
(Variation- one player gets to always use the higher score. Might be the hero of the group, might get killed because "maybe they're at fault.")

D20 dice explained #rpg

Every 'day' it takes to solve the problem, another d20 is added.

Lucky Objects
There are lucky objects to find along the way. Is the object good luck or bad luck? Roll a d6. An odd number means it's a bad luck object, even means good luck. 🍀🐇🦗👞🐟😺

  • A good luck object takes away the lowest d20 roll, so use the second-lowest. 
  • A bad luck object subtracts half of the highest roll from the lowest roll.

(Rolled a 16 and a 10? Half of 16 is 8. 10 minus 8 is 2. Your score is a 2. You might even get a negative score! Rolled a 15, so half is 7.5? Round UP to 8! )

Players can decide to use their lucky object after any d20 roll to attempt to change their fate. A lucky object can be used only once. You don't find out if it's a good or bad luck object until after you opt to use it.

Figuring out why the luck is off balance is up to the GM. This is just a different motivation for players to start (instead of monsters, money, glory, honor, or a kidnapping). It also adds a twist to any campaign.

Ignorance is bliss, because if the players didn't notice the luck imbalance, they wouldn't be in this mess.

As a story prompt, the main characters just have everything going wrong. An inordinate amount of activities go wrong. Mention the luck imbalance and a plan to fix it early on, or you'll lose your audience. 


  1. I love this. Every now and then I miss my old D&D days, but then I realize I'm 47 and don't have time for it anymore. >sigh< remembrance.
    Glad to be back!

    1. Time is what you make of it! I know lots of people who are in their 30s, 40s, 50s and some of them even make a ton of money playing roleplaying games. Don't give it up!


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