Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Forbidden Love Ends With X #AtoZchallenge #rpg #fantasy #prompt

My theme is a month of prompts and ideas for tabletop role-playing games or prompts for fantasy writers.
#AtoZChallenge 2020 badge

Forbidden Love Ends With X

There's a forbidden love. It resulted in the forbidden ones having se… well, you know the next letter. 😉 ❌

And now there are offspring. Half of your adventures are tasked with destroying the "abominations," the other half with protecting them and getting them accepted. Some party members might even be the parents, grandparents, half-siblings, aunts, and uncles of the offspring.

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating prompt idea! I've always loved plots that revolve around forbidden love. Can't wait to see what people come up with!
    Operation Awesome


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