Monday, April 18, 2022

#atozchallenge Once Upon a Time

#AtoZChallenge 2022 Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter

Once Upon a Time

Hans, Who Made the Princess Laugh

Regina wants to make friends with the new royal neighbors. She takes the three failure-to-launch twenty-somethings triples to Rumpelstiltskin’s shop to buy presents for a depressed princess who has turned all her suitors down. 

Emma argues that turning down marriage proposals is not a symptom of depression. Regina says that not wanting a happily ever after is a problem. And there's a reason the princess has to marry. Namely that it will make the new neighbors happy. 

The triplets go to see the princess. The first two brothers fail. The third triplet brings out the goose, which has golden buttercream and honey on it, so it's sticking to people. It also sticks to the third triplet, pulling off a fake wig and mustache. Turns out the third triplet is M to F trans, but was wearing a disguise to still look M because the brothers would take everything if they knew. But the princess marries her, and now she can live as her true self, and the princess can admit to preferring women, and everyone lives happily ever after. 

uniquely maladjusted but fun .blogspot #AtoZChallenge 2022
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