Tuesday, April 19, 2022

#atozchallenge Pushing Daisies

#AtoZChallenge 2022 Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter

Pushing Daisies

Olive enters Ned in a pie baking competition. The challenge is to make rare-fruit pies. Ned draws durian. Charlotte asks if Ned is sure he's touched the fruit, because it still smells rotten. Even he isn't sure. Emerson comes over. He asks Ned if he's keeping dead bodies in the pie shop. They solve a crime where a Malaysian family has been importing drugs in the durian fruit, because the drug-sniffing dogs won't go near it. 🏅 The Pie Hole wins a consolation prize of a wooden spoon engraved with "Honorable Mention." Ned has to shut The Pie Hole down for a week while the stink clears out. He tells Olive to never enter him in anything again. 

uniquely maladjusted but fun .blogspot #AtoZChallenge 2022
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  1. Amusing and informative, thanks for this.

    Facing The Mountain

  2. Don't know about this show...but i hav heard so much about the horrible smell of Durian.....not sure how it's eaten :-/

    Dropping by from a to z "The Pensive"


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