Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Another Twitter Appeal

 Today's appeal message sent to Twitter:

I am sorry that I threatened the self-critical voices in my own head. I know now that they are protected under your TOS and will never threaten them again. I won't even take anti-depressants if they're offered. I won't seek any mental therapy. I'm sorry for threatening to kill the self-critical voices in my head and will never even mention anything close to suggesting better mental health if you'll just please give me a second chance. 

I will also never quote a Jeff Dunham joke on Twitter again. Even the ones you have available in your gifs, since those gifs are a violation of the TOS. No more quoting comedians. Just because they're allowed to say something in a tweet doesn't mean that I'm allowed to. Got it. Message received. Lesson learned. I'm sorry for not realizing that celebrities have different free speech rules on the platform. That's my bad. I should have read the rules closer. 

1 comment:

  1. I doubt they're reading your appeals. A bot suspended you. No humans bothered to check the reference. And since you aren't verified, and don't have millions of followers, you're a low priority. They took the "social" right out of social media.


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