Sunday, March 14, 2021

SILENCE! I Kill You. -- JEFF DUNHAM #quote

A friend of mine is doing this 31 questions in March blogging writing challenge ( I don't know if I'll manage to do the whole month. 

March 14 – How do you reign in self critical voices?

I replace them with the kind, happy voices of my friends who I see every week. 


Except for the last 52 weeks.

😷 Have I mentioned my anger that anti-maskers want this pandemic to last LONGER??? 

"Not uhhh... we don't even believe it exists! We just don't wanna do the work to make it stop. Easier to blame others and create conspiracy theories than follow the guidelines! And if we injure or mame someone as a result 🤷‍♀️ then they probably didn't deserve to exist." 

These are people that could have an actual 🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️ zombie apocalypse outside their door and be all, "they're just life-challenged. Run em over and move on. It's probably swamp gas anyway." 

For those who believe, no explanation is needed, FOR THOSE WHO DON'T, NONE WILL EVER DO. 


Actually, we have excellent scientific explanations. But these fools don't believe in science. Part of me wants to quarantine them all in Texas and ... no, they'll celebrate getting walled in and deported. 

Too bad the vaccine isn't in the water and sprayed from planes. They'd all move to their bunkers and stop infecting the rest of us. 

🤔 Can we... can we make that conspiracy theory happen? Create that lie for the greater good? "Even with the water and air vaccine, we still recommend getting the actual shot. 💉"

I have veered off topic. Well, when you mostly talk to yourself, there is no one to reign you in.


My Twitter account has been suspended for this post. 
Suggesting that using this puppet to "kill" my self-critical voices is a violation of Twitter's TOS. 

1 comment:

  1. I see the light at the end of the tunnel! You'll see it soon, too.

    And maybe off topic, but I agree. It's in the water! The air! You're going to get the vaccine! Hideeeee!


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