Tuesday, March 9, 2021


A friend of mine is doing this 31 questions in March blogging writing challenge (https://marquessamatthews.com/2021/02/10/want-to-join-me-for-a-writing-challenge-alexandrafranzen/). I don't know if I'll manage to do the whole month. 

March 9 – Has a teacher ever changed your life? How so?

Yeah. I had a few excellent teachers who come to mind. But Mrs. Schwartz always comes to mind first. She supported my writing.

She also tried to encourage me to improve my handwriting. That didn't take. Sorry. 

But I am still writing. I wish I could find some of my notebooks from back then. They're in a box in a closet somewhere, I hope. I wonder if it would surprise her that I don't write just horror anymore? 


  1. Your handwriting is awful, but I can read it. Love you!

    1. What? It is? I am so shocked to hear this! I had no idea...
      *dies of laughter*


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