Friday, April 2, 2021

B is for Basketball Players are Usually Tall #atozchallenge, #ShortStory

#AtoZChallenge 2021 April Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter B

My theme for 2021 is a Young Adult short story. A double-date in the 1990s. An established teen couple sets up their best friends with each other, but it doesn't go well.

Today's word count is approximately: 615 words

B is for Basketball Players are Usually Tall

Lance takes my free hand as we head inside. I tried to let go of Yohann, but he grabbed my fingers, so now I'm stumbling along between the two basketball players. Don't mind me, just the second shortest girl in ninth grade at my school. The guys don't go to the same school as Madelyn and I do, they're from the next town over. Maybe I wouldn't be among the shortest of their classmates.

"Hey, how about if you help me get drinks?" Madelyn asks when we get inside. Of course, it's not really a question. She'd grab me and yank me to the other room if I weren't already tethered to the guys. 

"I'm not that thirsty," Lance says as he relinquishes my hand to slide his arm around my waist. I have no desire to be apart from him for even a second. Except, if I don't go, Madelyn is going to jump out of her skin. 

I tilt my head up. As expected, Lance's lips move magnetically to mine. I keep the kiss quick. "Be back in a flash. Promise."

He pouts as he lets go. Yohann crosses and uncrosses his arms. I know he's shy, but I've never seen him this apprehensive. 

"Can I help?" Yohann asks.

"No, we're good," I say over my shoulder as Madelyn and I head to the kitchen.

The second we're out of earshot, she freaks. "Why didn't you come inside? Why was Yohann talking to my dad? Does he know about cars? Does he like cars? What if he pissed my dad off and now I can't go? Why didn't you tell him not to talk to my dad? Should I have waited outside? I thought Yohann would come to the door. He didn't bring flowers. Are they in the car? Is it weird I thought he'd bring flowers? Should I have got him flowers? No, that's dumb. Did Lance get you anything? Did you actually kiss in my living room? You didn't kiss in front of my dad, did you? He's not going to let me go if he saw you kissing!"

"Wow. Inhale." I go to the fridge and pull out the iced tea pitcher. "It's fine. Grab four cups."

Madelyn gets the blue plastic cups from the corner cabinet. The one thing I hate about her house, other than her crazy parents, is that I can't reach the drinkware. I have stuck my head under her faucet many sleepover nights. Like it'd kill her mom to leave my cup on the counter after dinner. 

I toss ice in the cups and pour the tea. Just a quarter of the way for each. We're not staying. "Listen, you need to relax. No, he's not bringing you flowers. We said casual, remember? We're just going to hang out at the mall. Take a sip."

Madelyn glares at me, but she does take the instructed sip. 

"Okay. So, come back to the real world. What do you think of him?"

There we go. Her face lights up as she smiles. "He's so cute! I mean, you said he's cute. But he's, like, way cuter than that. Does he like me?"

"I haven't had two seconds alone to ask him. How about we take these drinks to the guys and then you go find your mom so she can meet him and we can go?"

She nods. I grab two cups. "You get Yohann's."

Lance's sitting on the love seat, his arm perched along the top. He smiles when he sees me. Yohann is pacing by the curio cabinet with his hands stuffed in the pockets of his khaki pants.

Thank you for reading! 
If you're on mobile and can't see my sidebar:
My Twitter would be @PenMinion - but I'm suspended right now. I used a quote from a comedian to threaten my self-critical inner voices. I didn't know that voices in my head were protected by Twitter's TOS. But they are. And even though the comedian has a Twitter account, and the quoted joke is available as a gif on Twitter, it was still a violation of the TOS. Feel free to scroll this blog to learn more. I have several posts about it. In the meantime, never threaten inner voices of self-doubt, because you can be kicked off of social media for such an action. 

Get Stash, an app that makes investing easy. If you sign up with my link and add cash, we both get $20 of bonus stock.

Jamie.Writer on Instagram

Please let me know who you are on the Master List if you're doing a to z-- I'd like to visit you too!
Have a puuuurfect day. 🐈


  1. Nice read. Can't wait to hear more! Good luck on A-Z Blogging Challenge. Come visit if you like. I'm Urban Gypsy Girl!

  2. He's made a good first impression. Looking forward to the next part.

  3. Dude, I need to know why Yohann is so darn nervous! <3

    1. 😁 You're gonna be here a while for the real reason.

  4. I popped in from the master list of A2ZChallenge. Your blog description caught my eye and then the story about the twitter thing even more made me laugh! (sorry...I've been banned and blocked before too). Anyhoot, good luck with the challenge and I'll try to catch up with you on twitter if you get unblocked. Hee hee!
    ☺Changing the way you think, changes how you feel♥

    1. I am so pissed about the Twitter thing. It's just one more form of communication I'm cut from during a pandemic.

  5. I'm going to stick with this. I want to see where it goes.

    Visiting from A to Z
    Blogging at Transformed Nonconformist

  6. A wonderful flash, but what is the end? I need the end.

  7. Happy end at X. Real end at Z.

  8. I can relate to this as I had a friend from a tall family. When I went to their house I struggled to reach things!

  9. I never had this kind of dating experience, but it rings true. The dialogue is very realistic!


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