Friday, April 9, 2021

H is for Hubert #atozchallenge #ShortStory

#AtoZChallenge 2021 April Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter H

My theme for 2021 is a Young Adult short story. A double-date in the 1990s. An established teen couple sets up their best friends with each other, but it doesn't go well.

Today's word count is approximately: 364 words

H is for Hubert

The pet store is the first shop at the entrance we use. It's more heartbreaking than cute. The puppies in the window may as well hold up signs. "We're from puppy mills and will cost thousands of dollars in veterinary bills!" One, who looks mostly blind, is bashing his head against the window. 

Madelyn taps on the glass. "Stop doing that. You'll get hurt."

"Should we ask if we can play with him?" Yohann asks her.

Disgust covers Madelyn's face. "Eww, and risk getting infected? I don't want to see the dog get hurt, but I don't want to, like, touch him or whatever. Plus, have you been in there? It smells. Like, really bad."

Lance's lips brush my ear. "I bet her dad totally would have played with the pup."

I bust up laughing. Yohann raises his eyebrow. Madelyn's eyes narrow, even though she couldn't possibly have heard the joke. 

"Hey look, lemonade slushies. Who wants one?" I point to the stand in an attempt to change the subject.

"You're really thirsty today, babe."

"Just trying to find other ways to occupy my mouth." I squeeze Lance's hand and lead us down the hall, passing the slushies. Which I didn't really want before, but now I kind of do. Why does that always happen?

Madelyn shoves herself between me and the empty storefronts. "What was so funny back there?"

"What? Nothing."

"Why isn't Yohann holding my hand?" Madelyn hisses the question in my ear.

I stop walking and look at her. "You want me to ask?" My tone probably isn't the nicest. But honestly, she needs to stand on her own two feet. 

She stops glaring at me and drops her gaze to the floor. 

"Is that a Hubert?" Lance gently tugs my hand. I look to where he's motioning.

"What's a Hubert?" I ask.

"Come on," he leads us to the dollar store. I hear Madelyn scuffing up the floor as she schlepps behind us. Yohann beats us inside.

"Oh wow, I haven't seen one of these in ages," Yohann holds one up and offers another to Lance. I still have no idea what the excitement is about.

Thank you for reading! 
If you're on mobile and can't see my sidebar:
My Twitter would be @PenMinion - but I'm suspended right now. I used a quote from a comedian to threaten my self-critical inner voices. I didn't know that voices in my head were protected by Twitter's TOS. But they are. And even though the comedian has a Twitter account, and the quoted joke is available as a gif on Twitter, it was still a violation of the TOS. (And possibly racist?) Feel free to scroll this blog to learn more. I have several posts about it. In the meantime, never threaten inner voices of self-doubt, because you can be kicked off of social media for such an action. 

Get Stash, an app that makes investing easy. If you sign up with my link and add cash, we both get $20 of bonus stock. 💵

Jamie.Writer on Instagram

Please let me know who you are on the Master List if you're doing a to z-- I'd like to visit you too!
Have a puuuurfect day. 🐈


  1. I'm intrigued and want to know where this is going. But I have yet to figure out why Madelyn is worth all this trouble. She doesn't seem very likable. I know it's coming.

    Visiting from A to Z
    Blogging at Transformed Nonconformist

  2. I'm mystified. What's a Hubert? I'll be back tomorrow to find out.

  3. I am kinda curious about how this would turn out eventually

  4. What is a Hubert then? Interesting. I'm not sure about Madelyn - not like cute puppies, gotta be something suspicious there!

  5. What is a Hubert? I guess that's the question.

  6. I have no idea what the excitement is over either! Can't wait to find out.

    Stopping by from A to Z!
    - Jayden Vincente
    Erotic fiction author


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