My theme for 2021 is a Young Adult short story. A double-date in the 1990s. An established teen couple sets up their best friends with each other, but it doesn't go well.
Today's word count is approximately: 514 words
F is for Five Blocks
Lance squeezes my shoulder. I know he'd rather fight a bear than be here. He'd rather have his stereo break than listen to Madelyn's mom for one more minute. He'd crawl over broken glass and Lego bricks to get out of this house.
"It's best to be prepared for the unexpected. Even the best drivers in the world wear seat belts. Besides, it's the law."
My hand flies to my mouth as I fake a cough to cover a laugh. Lance just quoted his coach, his driver's ed teacher, and a billboard slogan.
"Are you all right?" Madelyn's mom doesn't ask with concern, but with a cross tone and a raised eyebrow.
"Bit of ice went down the wrong way." I stack my cup with Lance's and Yohann's and hold them out.
"The tea was delicious," Yohann says as I stand there, holding cups that no one is taking.
"My husband brewed it."
I can't hold it in. I turn to Lance and bury my face against his chest as I laugh. He rubs my back and takes the cups. I can feel him clenching his abs, trying to hold in a laugh of his own, but it slips out. We're both picturing Yohann going on a date with Madelyn's dad, I just know it.
"Knock it off!" Madelyn hisses in my ear. I see her take the cups. She didn't drink her tea. But the edge of her cup looks like a dog's chew toy.
Madelyn's mom clears her throat. "So you'll be five blocks away at the mall. There will be no other stops. Straight there along the agreed-upon route, and then directly home by eight."
I wipe tears of laughter from my face. "Yes. We should synchronize our watches to the grandfather clock."
I extend my wrist, making a big show of how seriously we're taking Madelyn's ridiculous curfew. I elbow Lance until he pulls up his sleeve and extends his wrist. Yohann pats his pockets.
"I didn't bring my grandfather's pocket watch. It's only for special occasions. I mean, this is special, but I didn't, I mean, I should have brought it."
"Yohann, relax. We've got ours. And you'll be with us. It's fine," I say.
But Madelyn's mom latches on to the flawed words.
"You are planning to stay with the group, aren't you?" She moves between us and Yohann.
"Yes, Ma'am. Of course."
"My daughter is not to go off alone with you. She knows this. Let me be very clear about that fact."
I see tears form in Madelyn's eyes. She's probably imagining that her mom is about to call this off.
"We all know," Lance jumps in. "That's why I didn't loan you a watch. I knew you wouldn't need it because I've got mine and Riley has hers, so that's a backup. And see that, both are set exactly to the clock here. Everything is fine."
Madelyn's mom turns and takes the cups from her daughter. "I will see you in three hours and thirty-seven minutes, not a second later."
Thank you for reading!
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My Twitter would be @PenMinion - but I'm suspended right now. I used a quote from a comedian to threaten my self-critical inner voices. I didn't know that voices in my head were protected by Twitter's TOS. But they are. And even though the comedian has a Twitter account, and the quoted joke is available as a gif on Twitter, it was still a violation of the TOS. Feel free to scroll this blog to learn more. I have several posts about it. In the meantime, never threaten inner voices of self-doubt, because you can be kicked off of social media for such an action.
Get Stash, an app that makes investing easy. If you sign up with my link and add cash, we both get $20 of bonus stock. https://get.stash.com/jamieejv28
I really liked this installment. It's the first one I've read but it was pretty easy to get the gist. I'M sorry your having problems with Twitter. Hopefully you'll be reinstated soon. My theme for a to z is people who were alive in 1921. Today I featured my daughter's favorite poet, Aileen Fisher. I just finished my post for tomorrow which is on George Washington Carver.
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- Jayden Vincente
Erotic fiction author